Friday, October 4, 2013
Why is it when we are minding our own business, bothering no one, happily living our own lives, that people suddenly pop up in the background and start drama?
They pour out of the woodwork like cockroaches.
They gather in droves. Chirping like crickets to each other, silencing their banter when we approach, only to resume when we continue on our way.
Why are these same people the ones who never seem to come straight to you with whatever their apparent grievance is? They instead choose to huddle together, chirping about some real or imagined wrong doing on your part.
Have you people nothing better to do?
Do you lack the fortitude to look directly at someone and discuss the issue?
Are you so spineless that it's easier to tell only bits and pieces to those that you feel will back you?
Do you thrive on a cheering section of ill informed parrots?
Are you so gutless that you can't take charge and get to the root of the issue on your own?
Is your life so boring that you must create drama and strife for others?
Are you so unhappy with your place in life that you feel you must drag others down, thereby making yourself feel better about the piss poor choices you've made?
That has to be a sad, empty way to live. I can't imagine letting such a large amount of negative energy eat at me like that. I can't begin to imagine how lonely and bitter you are inside. How the drama has eaten away at anything good that was inside you.
Sure, you might put a good front on for some people, but all it takes is a small step back to see the real picture.
I used to think you were an amazing, strong person, but I see that you really are all the things that people told me you were. And, apparently, you are so much more than even they warned me about.
I spoke nothing but kind things about you. You held a place in my heart and I thought of you as a friend. I would've moved mountains, one pebble at a time, if that's what you needed.
Now that you've finally shown your true colors, I'm glad the day never came that I stuck my neck out for you. Surely I would've been beheaded for a worthless cause.
I'm not mad, not even hurt, I'm actually filled with pity. I can't imagine how sad and pathetic you must be when you think no one is looking. I pray I never find out.
As I walk away, thankful that you have shown who you really are, all I can say to you is this:
"Quit being a shit stirring little dick. It's just rude."
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