Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Play It Again Sam

There are times when a song can make you vividly remember people, places, things, sights, smells, and feelings. A myriad of stimulation for all the senses that can make you smile and cry at the same time.


In my most recent melancholy joy with a song, I came to the conclusion that you truly can't have happy without sad, pleasure without pain. How many times do tears of joy unwittingly turn to tears of sorrow, or vice versa?


Have we not all had those unexpected fits of laughter that become hysterical and without warning turn into true sobbing? We don't know why, but we suddenly run the gamut of emotion. When we finally "come to" we may be rather perplexed, but at the same time we so very often feel cleansed and refreshed.


A good song may bring back memories from any time in your life without warning. It does not ask permission or seek acceptance. It creeps in through your ears, sets your fingers to tapping, your shoulders & hips to wiggling, and your feet to bouncing. It glides through every nerve and kisses each individual synapse. It tantalizes every muscle. Penetrating your heart it picks the lock on the door of your soul and explodes into a thousand vibrations. All the while, the movie tracks play in your mind that were ever associated with this soundtrack, and whether they are the memories you enjoy digging out or not, it doesn't care. It causes us to face that which we have sworn to be buried, and becomes a healing balm as time goes on.


It salutes the memories of people, opportunities and loves lost.


It congratulates the strength of leaving, pays homage to the strength of staying.


It sings our children to sleep each night and wakes us every morning.


Music really is the stuff of life.


For better or for worse.