Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Now and Later
There’s no rhyme or reason to it.
It either is, or it isn’t.
But, isn’t that the way of all things?
What other options are there? Something either is…or it isn’t.
You can't force it.
It's the age old adage of the "square peg and the round hole".
It’s just that simple.
Now, the one exception to the rule, because all things have an exception, is our perception of what’s good or acceptable, in that particular moment.
That’s quite a gray area, now isn’t it?
What may be acceptable tends to fluctuate.
As we grow older, we, hopefully, grow wiser.
In our 20's we think we are wordly and educated. We are on fire about so many things, and we set out to take the world by storm. Truthfully, we are just smart enough to cause a minor train wreck.
By the time we are in our 30's, we can choose our battles a little better, but still tend to trip over our feet from time to time, which is to be expected. We're just smart enough to really screw things up, but also fairly well equipped to fix it.
Our 40's are the time we sit back and realize that our parents, and grandparents, really did have alot more things figured out than we gave them credit for. Suddenly, the light bulb over heads come on with near full intensity. As the shadows of ill informed youth begin to leave our minds, we realize there truly is no need to sweat the petty stuff we've stressed over all this time. Chances are if we do demolish something at this age, we don't want to fix it. We annihilated it on purpose...just saying.
We realize that it's ok to say No...and to MEAN IT.
We realize that doing things for ourselves isn't "selfish". It's self preserving and self nurturing.
Don't get it?
You're too young to understand. I'll tell you when you're older.