Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You Are A Pain In My....

I've been a moody bitch for the last two days, and about 3AM this morning, the migraine started creeping in.  My major trigger is stress, though I do get headaches because of weather changes sometimes too.  This, however, is definitely a stress migraine and it seems to be here to stay.

With the upcoming court date for Dad's estate on Thursday, it's not hard for me to imagine why this torture has taken root in my head.  I just wish it would go the hell away!

I've become very adept at stuffing things away and ignoring them, usually to save what's left of my sanity, but when the stress finally builds too high, it takes a toll.  The auras, nausea and cold sweats just SUCK!

I need this to all be over so I can sweep up the shrapnel and move on with things. This is a door that needs to close....soon.  Permanently.

Once this circus of greed is closed I can go back to functioning as a normal, slightly dysfunctional, person. 

We'll see whether or not all the promises of making things right will come to pass.  I doubt it.  I'll be shocked if people actually stand up and do the right thing, but I suppose stranger things have happened. 

I mean, some people actually thought Napoleon Dynamite was a funny movie, so I guess you just never know what might happen.